SOCIAL Here at media underground you'll be delighted to know that we don't do modern social media. If you're looking for me on Facebook or Xitter then you're clearly an idiot. If you want to get in touch and have a conversation you'll either have to use your brain, come to my local pub, or use one of the trusted protocols in order to establish contact. Here's a list of the protocols I use:
RSS ABOUT On October
5th 2001 media underground was born. Since that time the site has
gone through many alterations and upgrades in an attempt to keep up to
date with the latest advancements from Web 1.0 through to 2.0 and on towards Web 3.0. This
process has been completely fucking futile as big tech and social media
have dominated the internet and turned it into an abominable shit show.
So much so that over the last few years media underground
practically went silent. Basically I couldn't be bothered trying to
maintain a website when every fuckwit with a laptop or mobile phone
jumped ship to Facebook and Xitter. Well, you all got what you fucking
deserved. I did try
and warn you that it wasn't going to be good, but you all went ahead
anyway... and now you've lost your freaking minds. As a result
- and as a statement that I don't give a shit about your modern internet
- I've redesigned this site to be fully underground retro. Back to good
old Web 1.0 when the internet was a wild west for everyone with a dial
up modem and enough savvy and technical ability to get online and make a
presence there. So welcome
weird wanderer of the digital wasteland to media underground.
What you'll find here will be uncensored comments and links to shit that
I find interesting (for my own reference and amusement) for no other
reason than the sheer hell of it. George T.
Mortimer |