Everything Is Manipulation
So now that Nigel Farage has remarked that "Tommy Robinson is not right for Reform and I never sell out my principles" regarding Elon Musk's recent erratic rants on the matter, it seems Nigel Farage is being applauded in the mainstream media for standing up to Musk regardless of the amount of money that the SpaceX CEO and Trumpian Gimp might have considered plunging in to Reform UK.
Now maybe I'm just deeply suspicious and a hopeless cynic, but did no-one consider that this might have been planned between Farage and Musk all along?
We live in a world that is chock-full of population manipulation. Modern threats like social media analytics and A.I. deep fakes are only some of today's concerns, but the history of propaganda dates as far back as the history of humankind itself. Powerful people have always manipulated the people powerfully - it's the way it is and the way it always has been. Pre-internet days it was Rupert Murdoch with his bullshit tabloid rags manipulating public opinion, and prior to that it was Edward Bernays - the American godfather of modern spin. Hell, we could go right back in history to 515 BC, if you want, and examine the Behistun Inscription detailing the rise of Darius I to the Persian throne.
The manipulation of public opinion is everywhere and everywhen. Your job, dear reader, is to identify it, navigate your way through it and avoid getting caught up in it - you might even feel so bold as to call it out wherever you see it. One thing you won't be able to do, however, is stop the gullible being duped. The vast majority of people are sheep and in today's modern world it is the Farages, Trumps, Netanyahus and Musks that are the shepherds of smoke & mirrors bullshit.