
Whining Zionists See Antisemitism Everywhere

And off they go, crying wolf again, this time about a recent BBC documentary explaining the suffering of the people in Gaza. The culprit? A thirteen year old English speaking Palestinian kid called Abdullah whose father - a British educated former chemistry teacher - happens to be the Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Gaza. Apparently, and according to 45 prominent whining Jewish journalists (as well as Israel's fuckwit ambassador to London), this career in the field of crop cultivation, livestock and fishing makes him a "senior terrorist leader" and therefore his thirteen year old son - who narrated the BBC Documentary Gaza: How To Survive A Warzone - must be a terrorist also.

Personally, I think after 467 days of constant bombardment where at least 1 out of every 50 people in Gaza has been slaughtered, I'd be surprised if the local Khan Younis postman isn't now a senior terrorist leader... and who the hell could blame him?

I think most sensibly minded people (i.e. those of us who haven't had our brains washed with ZioNazi ideology) now know exactly who the terrorists are in this shameful blemish on human history, and it sure ain't Abdullah or his former high school teaching dad.