So it's not really free speech, is it Donald? It's selective speech. I mean, it's free if it's the kind of speech Trump wants to hear, but if it's not then he fucking bans it.
Alright you twisted freaks! You may have noticed that Terminal 3 is now displaying RSS news feeds from a bunch of sites I follow. The idea was to create a constant stream of news items that were a bit more comprehensive than the likes of the usual legacy bullshit that one might get from Google News or other mainstream news aggregators.
With Trump threatening outrageous tariffs on neighbouring countries and long established allies like Europe, the European response should be pretty straighforward. Denmark, for example - who are currently being threatened with a ridiculous American invasion of Greenland - is also one of the largest producers of insulin which, I assume, fat bloated Americans need plenty of and in abundance. I say go all out Denmark and whop a gigantic tariff on the bastards. Don't just settle for a namby-pamby 25%. Slap it up to 50% and follow it up with a literal middle finger.
I wouldn't call -4°C with moderate winds extreme enough weather to move Trump's inauguration indoors. As a resident of the Scottish Highlands, that kind of weather seems like a regular mild winter's day where an extra layer of clothing or maybe a pair of long johns and some mittens would keep the chill factor off.
Why do so many people get bitchy when social media sites change their policies?
L.A. burns, some rich celebrities have lost their homes and ten people in total are dead. Meanwhile Gaza burns and at least 46,000 people have been slaughtered thanks to American Imperialism supporting a fascist settler-colonial state.
Several months back, after the results of the US election came through, my dad asked me what I thought of Donald Trump becoming president again. After my initial response that I wasn't surprised in the slightest and that I fully expected it, I remarked "He'll probably never make it to the White House for a second term; and if he does, it certainly won't be for long."
So now that Nigel Farage has remarked that "Tommy Robinson is not right for Reform and I never sell out my principles" regarding Elon Musk's recent erratic rants on the matter, it seems Nigel Farage is being applauded in the mainstream media for standing up to Musk regardless of the amount of money that the SpaceX CEO and Trumpian Gimp might have considered plunging in to Reform UK.
I'm tired of the mainstream media's description of the horrors in Gaza as being a "humanitarian crisis". No it's fucking not! A humanitarian crisis is when people have been affected by a flood, or an earthquake, or a tsunami, or some other horrible naturally created shit. Just call it what it actually is: a goddamned genocide of indigenous people by a US-backed settler-colonial state.
What the fuck is antisemitic about the ICC's arrest warrant for a genocidal maniac? "Liberal Democractic Nation" is not exactly how I would describe that settler-colonial fascist state. A bunch of fucking smug, self-righteous, land thieves is a more appropriate description. Besides, the term "Semitic" to describe Jews in Israel is inappropriate. Most of them are of European or American origin. "Semitic people" or "Semites" is a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. Judaism is not a race, it's just a religion (i.e. a cult, or more appropriately a "death cult").
I've never been much of a gamer. I had a PS1 back in the day and then a PS2 that I never really used other than as a DVD player (computer games seemed to me like a grand waste of time). Just over a year ago, however, I bought a second hand (mint condition) first gen PS4 off eBay - just for something to kill the odd hour or two of downtime with. I bought a bunch of games, GTA5, No Man's Sky and some other uninspiring rubbish but ultimately the only game I really ever play on it is WipEout Omega Collection.
As a person living in Scotland I was initially perplexed why the Brian Thompson shooting was even a story. I mean, isn't this what Americans do? Shoot each other all the time?
Christmas is a bit like football or A.I. inasmuch as people have invested a lot of time, passion, money and effort into the concept but ultimately, in the end - when you look at it objectively - it's just a bit shit.
27.11.2024 So, I finally got an SSL certificate for this site - it was long overdue, even though there really was no need for me to have one. It used to be that you only ever needed a certificate for financial transactions or connecting to your bank, but then Microsoft and Google jumped on the bandwagon and before long browsers were setup by default to block sites without a certificate. Total bollocks! There are no financial transactions here - there aren't even advertisements (and, believe me, I have been approached on many occasions over the last 24 years by some company or another wanting to advertise some bullshit on this site, and each and every time I have either ignored them or told them to piss off). Anyway I thought it'd be easy to install a certificate (how hard could it be?). I contacted my web host, hinted that I was thinking of migrating the site elsewhere, and they offered me an SSL at a price I could hardly refuse (well relative to all the hassle of moving to another webhost that is). Now, I register this domain with a different company to my host and this seemed to cause all kinds of problems. Maybe I'm a bit thick, but I couldn't quite figure out what I had to do to activate the certificate and after 3 hours of fucking about last night, I gave up and went to bed confused and non the wiser. Fast-forward to this morning and the certificate had somehow been magically activated. Still no idea exactly how this happened but I'll take it as a win. So now dear wander of the digital wasteland, media-underground.net is like every other website, complying with something complete unnecessary and conforming to a standard that never needed to be a standard in the first place. I miss the
old internet.
24.11.2024 As an avid podcast listener I thought I would take a moment to share with you here my Top 3 podcast picks at present. Feel rest assured, dear reader, that there will be no fucking Joe Rogan on my list. No siree! If I see another one of his boring, excessively long podcasts ever again - where he repeats himself every episode and interviews yet another unheard of comedian friend, or some right wing ZioNazi fuckwit like Ben Shapiro, or his CIA handler Mike Baker for the umpteenth time - I'll stick my boot through my monitor. He's dull, incredibly so, and amazingly ill-informed about virtually everything. So, without further ado I'll start off with the wonderful Late Night Linux as my top choice. Whilst this might not be to everyone's liking, as a Linux user I find the show incredibly refreshing and informative. This isn't some computer geek's podcast however, as the hosts are pretty frank, swear a lot, and don't hold back with their occasional misanthropy. The Irish guy Felim is pretty funny yet rarely wrong in his assessment of things. Generally the Late Night Linux team seem like a good bunch of lads that really want to see the best for the Free & Open Source Software community as a whole. Next up it has to be Media Roots Radio hosted by siblings Abby & Robbie Martin. With a critical eye on US politics and foreign policy, I confess that this podcast aligns pretty closely with my own geopolitical viewpoint. The podcast's coverage on the genocide in Gaza is second to none and their in-depth analysis of the way media manipulates the general population makes for serious reflection. My only criticism is that the podcasts are infrequently released. Coming in at No. 3 it has to be Monster Fuzz Podcast for a not so serious take on the subject of cryptozoology, high strangeness and the world of the paranormal. Whilst I do think their show was way better prior to them setting up a video version of the cast on YouTube, Rob and Eamonn can occasionally have you belly laughing on the floor at their incredible Irish idiocy. As for
podcast players, I cannot recommend
AntennaPod for Android highly enough. I've tried a lot of podcast
players on my phone over the years, but this is a really sweet app which
is free from ads and very intuitive. As far as the desktop environment
is concerned, I recommend
Kasts for Linux which is almost as good. If you're looking for a
Windows or iOS recommendation, then I can't give you one as I don't give
a fuck about either of these OSes.
22.11.2024 Please be aware that this site is, at the moment, generally under construction. It is not the intended final look for this website - if such a thing as a "final look" could or should ever be achieved. This was one of the main reasons for deleting the old site. It had become too stagnant due to it relying on the use of a third party web-based management system written in PHP. At the time I thought that the use of such a system would be beneficial and make life easier for posting content. I was wrong. What it did do was limit my ability to be creative or to modify the website as it evolved, which is the reason I've returned to the basics of creating everything in HTML (since it is the box standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser). With HTML you are only limited by your own ability and imagination, giving you full control of the way in which you want to present web-based information. So please
bare with me as I try to refresh my memory on how to code in HTML.
Changes to the look and feel of this site will be ongoing over the next
few weeks, if not indefinitely.
21.11.2024 You may or may not have noticed that the media underground YouTube channel has been erased. This was something that was needing to happen for a long time having virtually deGoogled my entire life. Don't get me wrong there's still a few Google things I have still to get rid of, but for the most part my Android phone has been deGoogled along with my use of their shitty search engine and intrusive email service (well, other than using it as a kind of junkmail capturer). Basically, it's what I use when I need to sign up to something that requires me to enter an email address and that I don't give a shit about. YouTube has become fucking horrible and boring anyway. All these clickbaity thumbnails of twats doing something or other really boils my piss (superficial pricks chasing the algorithm). The final straw for me was when I accidentally logged in to YouTube without using an ad-blocker. To my surprise I discovered that they were advertising on my channel despite me having set up the channel specifically not to include any advertising content. As you may be aware, here at media underground we don't do, and have never done, advertising. That's not
to say that I still don't occasionally go on YouTube to sift through the
endless mounds of garbage in order to find out something practical, but
when I do I use either SmartTube on my TV or FreeTube on my phone and
computer (which filters out all the ads). Sadly, however, these apps
won't filter out all the shit which makes up 99% of the content on
20.11.2024 Alright you twisted freaks! On October 5th 2001 media underground was born. Since that time the site has gone through many alterations and upgrades in an attempt to keep up to date with the latest advancements from Web 1.0 through to 2.0 and on towards Web 3.0. This process has been completely fucking futile as big tech and social media have dominated the internet and turned it into an abominable shit show. So much so that over the last few years media underground practically went silent. Basically I couldn't be bothered trying to maintain a website when every fuckwit with a laptop or mobile phone jumped ship to Facebook and Xitter. Well, you all got what you fucking deserved. I did try and warn you that it wasn't going to be good, but you all went ahead anyway... and now you've lost your freaking minds. As a result - and as a statement that I don't give a shit about your modern internet - I've redesigned this site to be fully underground retro. Back to good old Web 1.0 when the internet was a wild west for everyone with a dial up modem and enough savvy and technical ability to get online and make a presence there. So welcome weird wanderer of the digital wasteland to media underground. What you'll find here will be uncensored comments and links to shit that I find interesting (for my own reference and amusement) for no other reason than the sheer hell of it. |