The Worst Radio Station On The Planet
I've been monkeying about with radios recently - mainly scanning the shortwave bands for obscure broadcasts from far-flung regions of the planet. It's a bizarre hobby, I know, but it kills a few hours and can be quite therapeutic in these troubled times of depressing news overload.
I've also been monkeying about with internet radio quite a bit too, having downloaded a piece of software called 'Tuner' (for Linux) that not only allows you to stream your favourite stations from all over the globe, but presents you with a new random selection every day for your consideration and listening pleasure.
This is how I discovered the worst radio station on the planet and promptly saved it to my favourites. It's called Adroit Jazz Underground and I'm convinced it will one day come in handy if I need to get rid of guests who have overstayed their welcome.
Quite how anybody can listen to this shite is beyond me, but I find myself tuning in just to see if there is actually a piece of "music" that doesn't sound like 15 deranged lunatics all playing different songs in different timings with different instruments. It's remarkable and unsettling to think that people actually enjoy this crap, but hey, it's a strange world as is becoming more self-evident every day. Perhaps they listen to it for the same reason I do: curious bemusement.
Meet Agent Krasnov
Whether the rumours are true or false about Trump being recruited as a Russian asset back in the 1980s (a matter that cannot be independently verified without access to internal Russian intelligence documents) I think we can now safely assume that he has, at the very least, been completely compromised.
As world leaders scramble to kowtow to this unhinged egotistical orange abortion, I would suggest it's time to take a leaf out of Justin Trudeau's book and grow a pair of balls.
Basically, America can't be trusted - in fact, I'd suggest it never really could be with it's two party illusion of democracy - and along with it's strategic middle-eastern outpost, Israel, should be regarded by any sane world leader as a pariah on the planet.
Sure, things will get tough and possibly even weird. We'll all probably hurt financially, but there is no other option. Like an aggressive cancer intent on wiping itself out along with its host, Agent Krasnov is taking us down a path of no return.
Let's be clear, absolutely everything he does is completely and utterly retarded, and so if Trump likes walls, it's time to wall the fucker in.
Behold! The Golden Letter!
Was kinda funny watching Keir present Donald with the 'Golden Letter' yesterday. Clearly some kind of strategy had been devised between Sir Keir and King Chuckie to appeal to Trump's ego. Personally, I was hoping that when Starmer reached into his inside jacket pocket he'd quickly whip out a righteous middle finder accompanied with the words "Go Fuck Youself", but alas, my desire for anarchy and chaos was not to be. Sad really. A big middle finger to Trump might have been enough for Labour to get my next vote instead of me sticking with my usual Scottish independence stance.
Breaking News!
Donald Trump Says... **Fill In Outlandish Pish Here**
RSS Revival
So I've been using RSS a lot again recently. With the fragmentation of social media I suspect Really Simple Syndication is making a giant comeback (I've noticed a lot of websites providing an RSS link again as it really is the best way to consume the news and subjects that interest you).
Of course, social media was never going to be the long term answer. What started out as a convenient way for most people to centralise who and what they followed, the use of algorithms and advertising sounded its inevitable death knell as users discovered that there was very little left remaining in their feeds other than targeted advertising and suggested interests.
Re-enter RSS.
The best reader, in my opinion (well, for Android anyway) is 'Feeder' by the developer Space Cowboy (if you're sensible and use F-Droid and/or GitHub) and under NoNonsenseApps (if you're an idiot and still use the Google Play Store).
'Feeder' is completely free and open source, regardless of where you choose to download it from, and is continuously going through version updates that tweak and refine the user experience with new features and minor bug fixes.
I am still looking for a suitable desktop reader, however, as I want to be able to sync the read status of articles the same way I sync my podcast listening status using the Nextcloud Gpoddersync between 'AntennaPod' and 'Kasts' (so if any of you have a suggestion of what to use on the desktop alongside 'Feeder' on my phone, please get in touch and let me know).
Anyway, with all that being said, I decided to reintroduce RSS to this website, so if you want updates on new content appearing in Terminals 1 and 2, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the orange icon and import the URL into your preferred reader.
Sometimes, however, it's not easy to tell if one of your favourite websites supports RSS, so to solve that problem I suggest installing the Firefox extension 'Awesome RSS' which puts an RSS/Atom subscribe button back in the URL bar.
Welcome back to a more distraction free internet!
Whining Zionists See Antisemitism Everywhere
And off they go, crying wolf again, this time about a recent BBC documentary explaining the suffering of the people in Gaza. The culprit? A thirteen year old English speaking Palestinian kid called Abdullah whose father - a British educated former chemistry teacher - happens to be the Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Gaza. Apparently, and according to 45 prominent whining Jewish journalists (as well as Israel's fuckwit ambassador to London), this career in the field of crop cultivation, livestock and fishing makes him a "senior terrorist leader" and therefore his thirteen year old son - who narrated the BBC Documentary Gaza: How To Survive A Warzone - must be a terrorist also.
Personally, I think after 467 days of constant bombardment where at least 1 out of every 50 people in Gaza has been slaughtered, I'd be surprised if the local Khan Younis postman isn't now a senior terrorist leader... and who the hell could blame him?
I think most sensibly minded people (i.e. those of us who haven't had our brains washed with ZioNazi ideology) now know exactly who the terrorists are in this shameful blemish on human history, and it sure ain't Abdullah or his former high school teaching dad.
When I Met Rogan & Why He Champions Trump
I met Joe Rogan briefly in L.A. back in 2003 when Doug Stanhope invited me out to his wonderfully decadent desert party. They were both hosting The Man Show at the time and we went out to the studio cos Doug had a couple of things to wrap up before we took off to Panamint Springs.
Rogan was sitting at a computer that he barely looked up from. I took an instant dislike to his dismissiveness. I don't get starstruck easily and back then he was hardly the celebrity he is now (me being from Scotland I only knew him as some comedian guy that I personally never found that funny). Something about his demeanour pissed me right off.
I've always been the kind of person that goes with gut instinct when I meet someone for the first time (it's served me well over the years) and my gut told me this guy was a dick. To me, he seemed to come across as having a sense of entitlement.
It was a very brief encounter and introduction, but I never forgot it and haven't been too surprised by the level of fame he has achieved. He came across as someone very focussed and driven on making it big at any cost. I guess we now all see the cost. There was a sweet spot a few years ago when his interviews were good and entertaining but now it's just him repeating himself all the time and getting the same guests on like his CIA handler Mike Baker (oh look, this fucker is actually back on his show again today).
Here's the bottom line folks: there's undoubtedly a political agenda to Joe Rogan's podcast and he's clearly been bought and paid for many times over. Basically, he kowtows to Trump, Vance and the likes of tech bros Musk and Zuck because ultimately there's something in it for him.
Selective Speech Absolutism
So it's not really free speech, is it Donald? It's selective speech. I mean, it's free if it's the kind of speech Trump wants to hear, but if it's not then he fucking bans it.
Trump is a goddamned moron! The Associated Press refuses to call the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America and he bans them from the Oval Office and Air Force One. What kind of horseshit is that? What kind of "free speech absolutist" is he?
Basically it's a case of "I don't like it so the toys are getting thrown out of the pram."
I feel a dump coming on. I think I'll go to one of the nearest Trump golf courses (I believe that'll be in Aberdeen, but I'll check it out online first) and I'll take a shit in every one of the 18 holes on his crappy golf course. A week should do it. I reckon I could squeeze out 18 shits in a week with the right dietary choices, and I'll set up camp in a different bunker every night and litter each bunker with beer cans and Rustler's cheeseburger wrappers.
I'll live like a pig for a week and feel like a king for a lifetime. Hell, I may even bring my dog along on the trip. He loves shitting in sand and on grass. Then I'll rename Trump's golf course "The Golf of Shit".
What's In A Name, JD?
Here at 'Bumpkin Watch' our investigative journalist team have uncovered the real reason why weirdy-trimmed-beardy JD Vance uses his initials rather than either of his actual forenames. At first we just assumed it was some kind of a hillbilly thing like being called Gomer, Cletus or Booger, but it actually turns out it's because his real name is even more shit than any of those.
Vance, whose parents were siblings, was actually christened Jebediah Doofus on August 3rd, 1984 by his mentally ill mother, Trixie-Bob, at the Middletown Confessional Calvinist Church, Ohio after she escaped from the local mental institute with the one day old nipper.
His father, Goober Charles Jnr (renowned crystal meth manufacturer and three time near miss KKK Grand Wizard) passed away eight months earlier in what has only been described in the local 'Middletown Gazette' as "a freak washing machine accident". According to sources, Goober, "was at the local laundromat" and "got his frayed neckerchief caught in the machine's drive belt during its spin cycle". Apparently he had been "raking for loose change through a removed rear panel".
Initially christened with the surname Bomen, his mother changed it to Reynolds when she married her sixth husband and uncle, Herschel Beauregard "Burt" Reynolds III.
Quite where he got the surname Vance from has remained a mystery for many years, however, having recently tracked down his old juvenile detention buddy Virgil Buford, we can confirm that he adopted it from the famous UK Radio One disc jockey and heavy metal enthusiast, Tommy Vance, whom JD had become enamoured with during his early years. Sources have disclosed that he used to tune in to his step father's portable shortwave radio every Friday night during Uncle Herschel's weekly weekend "fishing" trips, although Buford did remark that "the only fishing Ol' Burt ever got up to was for some well worn pussy."
"I can't believe he's got to where he is today," Buford added, "to start from such humble beginnings and end up third in command of the country under Elon is one hellava achievement."
Updates To Terminal 3
Alright you twisted freaks! You may have noticed that Terminal 3 is now displaying RSS news feeds from a bunch of sites I follow. The idea was to create a constant stream of news items that were a bit more comprehensive than the likes of the usual legacy bullshit that one might get from Google News or other mainstream news aggregators.
Now trying to get these items to display in a style that was consistent with the look and feel of this website turned out to be a bit of a ball-ache, and so I did what every other useless bastard does in the 21st century and asked AI to write the code for me. Viola! AI to the rescue! Pretty fucking impressive I have to say.
It did take a bit of going back and forth to get it looking the way that I wanted it to, but I can now see at least some potential in using Artificial Intelligence (although I'm not going to ask for its political analysis any time soon and would recommend not sticking it in an autonomous machine that is armed to the goddamned teeth).
Otherwise, I can safely say that LLMs are pretty useful for such trivial tasks, and I got to learn a bit of php, html and javascript along the way.
Flip Trump The Bird
With Trump threatening outrageous tariffs on neighbouring countries and long established allies like Europe, the European response should be pretty straighforward. Denmark, for example - who are currently being threatened with a ridiculous American invasion of Greenland - is also one of the largest producers of insulin which, I assume, fat bloated Americans need plenty of and in abundance. I say go all out Denmark and whop a gigantic tariff on the bastards. Don't just settle for a namby-pamby 25%. Slap it up to 50% and follow it up with a literal middle finger.
Fuck America! Your products are totally shit anyway, as is your vapid, gun-toting, McDonald's munching culture.
Fahrenheit 24.8
I wouldn't call -4°C with moderate winds extreme enough weather to move Trump's inauguration indoors. As a resident of the Scottish Highlands, that kind of weather seems like a regular mild winter's day where an extra layer of clothing or maybe a pair of long johns and some mittens would keep the chill factor off.
Let's face it, the real reason they're moving the Orange Man inside is incase someone takes a pop shot at him.
The General Public Are Thick As Pigshit
Why do so many people get bitchy when social media sites change their policies?
A social media site is nothing more than a website owned by some giant corporation. It is not a public service and it is not there to make you friends. Social media exist solely to extract your data and sell it on to third parties and/or to train their Large Language Models on. In other words, you are the product not the customer.
If you want freedom of speech set up your own goddamned website. Pay your small monthly bill and in exchange you can say whatever the fuck you want on the world wide web... like me here, for example.
Nobody is sensoring me. Policy changes are my own.
Wake the hell up people! You've turned the internet into the television - a banal mediascape serving the 'Lowest Common Denominator'... a phrase that actually doesn't make any sense since the correct term is clearly 'Highest Common Factor' or 'Greatest Common Divisor'.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is how fucking stupid the general public are.
Western Double Standards
L.A. burns, some rich celebrities have lost their homes and ten people in total are dead. Meanwhile Gaza burns and at least 46,000 people have been slaughtered thanks to American Imperialism supporting a fascist settler-colonial state.
'Scuse me if I don't give a flying fuck about Los Angeles.
Trump's A Fucking Idiot
Several months back, after the results of the US election came through, my dad asked me what I thought of Donald Trump becoming president again. After my initial response that I wasn't surprised in the slightest and that I fully expected it, I remarked "He'll probably never make it to the White House for a second term; and if he does, it certainly won't be for long."
"How come?" asked my dad.
"Well, somebody's sure to bump him off," I replied, "either just before January 20th or shortly thereafter. He's too much of a threat to the stability and the status quo of the entire planet, let alone his own country. The deep state know it and will sort it out."
Today, I stand by my analysis. Hell, the dumb fucker isn't even in the White House yet and already he's threatening military action against Greenland, Panama and the entire Middle East - not to mention his threat to the stability of the North Atlantic Treaty, trade with his nearest neighbour Canada, as well as the sovereignty and democracy of his closest ally the United Kingdom (via his whipping boy/personal gimp Elon Musk).
I've always thought that in order to be a politician you have to be on the sociopathic spectrum somewhere, and Trump - in my opinion - is quite possibly a fully blown psychopath.
In fact his ego is so over-inflated that even two recent assassination attempts didn't humble him in the slightest. And as I see it, there's really only one of two ways this ends. Either he'll have a huge well-timed heart attack or some Lee Harvey Oswald-type quiet loner, with a dubious history of defecting to an enemy state, will pop a cap between his eyebrows.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing death on the guy, personally I find him rather amusing in a dark comedy kind of way - America gets exactly what America deserves. But he's clearly a fucking idiot unable to even remotely comprehend what the real 'powers that be' are capable of.
There. That's my prediction for 2025.
Everything Is Manipulation
So now that Nigel Farage has remarked that "Tommy Robinson is not right for Reform and I never sell out my principles" regarding Elon Musk's recent erratic rants on the matter, it seems Nigel Farage is being applauded in the mainstream media for standing up to Musk regardless of the amount of money that the SpaceX CEO and Trumpian Gimp might have considered plunging in to Reform UK.
Now maybe I'm just deeply suspicious and a hopeless cynic, but did no-one consider that this might have been planned between Farage and Musk all along?
We live in a world that is chock-full of population manipulation. Modern threats like social media analytics and A.I. deep fakes are only some of today's concerns, but the history of propaganda dates as far back as the history of humankind itself. Powerful people have always manipulated the people powerfully - it's the way it is and the way it always has been. Pre-internet days it was Rupert Murdoch with his bullshit tabloid rags manipulating public opinion, and prior to that it was Edward Bernays - the American godfather of modern spin. Hell, we could go right back in history to 515 BC, if you want, and examine the Behistun Inscription detailing the rise of Darius I to the Persian throne.
The manipulation of public opinion is everywhere and everywhen. Your job, dear reader, is to identify it, navigate your way through it and avoid getting caught up in it - you might even feel so bold as to call it out wherever you see it. One thing you won't be able to do, however, is stop the gullible being duped. The vast majority of people are sheep and in today's modern world it is the Farages, Trumps, Netanyahus and Musks that are the shepherds of smoke & mirrors bullshit.
Call It What It Is
I'm tired of the mainstream media's description of the horrors in Gaza as being a "humanitarian crisis". No it's fucking not! A humanitarian crisis is when people have been affected by a flood, or an earthquake, or a tsunami, or some other horrible naturally created shit. Just call it what it actually is: a goddamned genocide of indigenous people by a US-backed settler-colonial state.
Oh, and it's also not a war. As the late comedian Bill Hicks put it: "Well, a war is when two armies are fighting. So you can see right there, there never was a war."
Death Cult Judaism
What the fuck is antisemitic about the ICC's arrest warrant for a genocidal maniac? "Liberal Democractic Nation" is not exactly how I would describe that settler-colonial fascist state. A bunch of fucking smug, self-righteous, land thieves is a more appropriate description. Besides, the term "Semitic" to describe Jews in Israel is inappropriate. Most of them are of European or American origin. "Semitic people" or "Semites" is a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. Judaism is not a race, it's just a religion (i.e. a cult, or more appropriately a "death cult").
Wiped Out
I've never been much of a gamer. I had a PS1 back in the day and then a PS2 that I never really used other than as a DVD player (computer games seemed to me like a grand waste of time). Just over a year ago, however, I bought a second hand (mint condition) first gen PS4 off eBay - just for something to kill the odd hour or two of downtime with. I bought a bunch of games, GTA5, No Man's Sky and some other uninspiring rubbish but ultimately the only game I really ever play on it is WipEout Omega Collection.
You see, I remember playing the original wipE'out" back in the old PS1 days (circa 1997) and have fond memories of getting really competitive over it with my then girlfriend at the time (probably the only fond memories of that otherwise clusterfuck of a relationship I had). With weapons and speeds in excess of 400 mph experienced to a soundtrack from artists such as CoLD SToRAGE, Leftfield, Orbital & The Chemical Brothers, this antigravity racing game defined an era and a subculture that I was perhaps just a little too old to be part of.
WipEout Omega Collection stuck me right back in that hot seat and it's now the only game I play on the PS4. In short, I just fucking love it. Having completed all the levels and acquired the ultra rare platinum trophy several months back, it was time to take the matter to the next level and play online (which, I must add, ups the skill level by a factor of at least 10 when competing against other humans). In short, the game appears to be endless and manoeuvres that seemed completely impossible to achieve a year ago have now been well and truly locked into my muscle memory.
So join me if it interests you. I'm online for at least an hour most evenings under the username "Septimus_Keen" (named after the weird character in Gerald Suster's first novel The Devil's Maze).
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